Easy SelectItems is an extended version of javax.faces.component.UISelectItems. By using the component there is no need to manually create a SelectItem collection because EasySI automatically populates SelectItem objects from types like Collection, Map and etc.
EasySI has no dependency other than a JSF implementation. Although MyFaces is used during development process, the component is also compatible with RI or Trinidad.
You can check out the features and try it at via the online demo
Taglib Definition to be added top of the jsf page.
<%@taglib uri="http://sourceforge.net/projects/easysi" prefix="s" %>
Both java and jsp code.
The getter in the backing bean;
public List getPlayers() { List list = new ArrayList(); Player player1 = new Player("Roni", new Integer(10)); Player player2 = new Player("Eto'o", new Integer(9)); Player player3 = new Player("Messi", new Integer(19)); Player player4 = new Player("Deco", new Integer(20)); list.add(player1); list.add(player2); list.add(player3); list.add(player4); return list; }
The code in the jsp;
<h:selectOneMenu id="menu1" value="#{EasysiDemo.selectedPlayerNo}"> <s:selectItems value="#{EasysiDemo.players}" var="Player" itemLabel="#{Player.name}" itemValue="#{Player.no}"/> </h:selectOneMenu>
<select id="form1:menu1" name="form1:menu1" size="1"> <option value="10">Ronaldinho</option> <option value="9">Eto'o</option> <option value="19">Messi</option> <option value="20">Deco</option> </select>